Year: 2020

The Science of Biometrics
Software Tips & Tricks

The Science of Biometrics

Perhaps without realizing it, you are likely already very familiar with biometrics. The majority of modern cellphones and other mobile devices already have biometric sensors built-in, while airport security is increasingly adopting the technology as a way to identify people…

6 Ways to Future-proof Your Business
Online Business

6 Ways to Future-proof Your Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our day-to-day lives. In only a few short months, countries were faced with lockdowns, business closures, and a massive shift in working patterns and arrangements. Organizations have had to make major changes to their operations…

Tapes with Magnets
Tips & Tricks

Tapes with Magnets

Have you ever had times where you can’t organise your things properly when working? Everything in your work area is scattered, and you have no proper labelling. It’s also not a good idea to use tape and write on it…