How Technology Is Revolutionizing The Future of Education
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How Technology Is Revolutionizing The Future of Education

How Technology Is Revolutionizing The Future of Education

It is virtually impossible to name an industry that has not been touched by the tech revolution. After benefits such as Spectrum internet support, technology is transforming education as well. Did you know that more than 30 million primary and secondary school students use Google apps for education (Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, etc.)? It is expected that the global education tech market will experience $93.76 billion in growth by 2020.This is how technology is changing education and what we can expect in the future:

Easy Access

Thanks to technology, education is now much more accessible in towns, villages, and other underdeveloped areas. The Internet has helped improve the academic outcome. We have tons of websites associated with educational institutions helping students get an education online. There are no limitations of geographical boundaries.  

It’s Affordable

Getting enrolled in a premium educational institution is a dream of most ambitious people. Fortunately, the Internet has made online education not just accessible but affordable. There are companies that are willing to provide certifications to students for attending virtual lectures. As shared resource economy is on the rise, the need for classrooms is reducing.

Personalized Learning

Every student has a different way of learning. Technology allows educators to accommodate the unique learning styles of students. Software such as Dream Box adapts to the skill level of each student to make them learn math at their own pace.

Such adaptive learning programs are replacing textbooks in the classroom. Students are now learning subjects with the help of tailor-made computer programs. These programs are very efficient in meeting their needs.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has made one-to-one tutoring possible on a huge scale. A good example of that is the education dominance AI-based tutoring system introduced by the U.S. Navy. It’s similar to a human tutor. It monitors the progress of each student and provides personalized assessments.

The students who were tutored by the program made great strides in their education. They tested higher as compared to the students who studied without this program. This program can also give us a glimpse of how educational models will work in the next 15 years. Computers will be acting as tutors offering education in diverse learning styles.

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning platforms are taking over the classrooms day by day. The Pew Center for Research says that 73 percent of teenagers have access to a smartphone. This will rise, of course. When mobile technology is used in and outside the classroom, it will offer an integrated learning experience to students.

Students retain more information when the curriculum is tailored according to their learning style and speed. With the use of mobile learning platforms, educators can use Big Data analytics to observe the preferences of the students. It can also help in understanding what is working and what is not for a particular individual. In this way, educators can create a customized education plan for students in the entire classroom.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has its own buzz in the tech world. Just like the rest of the industries, it has the potential of transforming education as well. Giant firms such as Google and Samsung have already started investing in VR projects. It is fair to expect some revolution in education too.

Virtual reality is a tool that can make teaching fun and engaging. Students no longer have to stick to history from a textbook. They can simply put on their VR headset and experience the historical place for themselves.

That is not all. We will see innovations such as the virtual science lab. It will allow students to perform experiments without coming into contact with chemicals and flames. This, however, will not change the outcome. The results will remain the same just as this experiment was conducted in real life. Such innovations will give rise to new discoveries as well.

Better Content Delivery

The days of paper and printing are behind us. Cloud services have improved communication, productivity and offered easy storage. There is no need to reprint content for updating it. The content once created can be reused and upgraded without incurring additional costs.

Bottom Line

It is evident that Edu-tech will benefit both students and teachers. Now the only challenge is to learn how to use the tech tools. Once that happens, the world can expect a massive revolution in education. Much of the revolution is brought by the Internet. So be ready before the next big exams. It would not harm to call the customer service to inquire about Internet packages for home use. Let your kids use fast Internet speed to browse the education facilities around them.


Hassan is a Blogger, Author, Entrepreneur and the Administrator of He heads Burgeoning Technologies, a Web and IT Company and manages several other blogs and websites. He can be followed on , Twitter and Facebook.