How to Better Utilize Social Media Tools to Attract More Eye Balls?
Social Media

How to Better Utilize Social Media Tools to Attract More Eye Balls?

How to Better Utilize Social Media Tools to Attract More Eye Balls?

Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter continue to grow. The popularity of social media has received a big boost as part of smartphone revolution. While an average user spends several hours a day on social media, getting their attention can be a challenge for brands. So what can you do to get your brand more eyeballs on social media platforms?

The following tips should help you attract more attention on these sites.

Use Images & Videos

Visual content like images and videos naturally get more views than textual content. So it is recommended to include images in all your social media posts. This will help in making your posts stand out. Certain platforms can display posts with visual elements more than posts without. For example, Facebook used to give more preference to videos compared to other content. It has, recently, brought certain changes in its policies. If you want to know all the reasons for including videos in your content marketing strategy, this post is for you.

Make use of Infographics

While images and videos have their own place, infographics has a unique role to play in informing people. People like infographics because it can explain data quickly with more clarity. Thus, it is a quick way to deliver the desired information to your followers. It can also be linked back to your website to generate more traffic.

Post More Frequently

If you want to attract more eyeballs, you will have to make your fans and followers know that you are present on social media. Pages that post more often are more likely to appear in people’s feeds than those that do it frequently. Make sure that your brand name is visibility to your followers at least a few times a week.

Social media users follow hundreds or thousands of pages. This means that their news feed is filled with endless volume of content. The only way you can get viewed is to post more frequently. In fact, it may often be required to re-post the same content to get the desired traction.

Encourage Conversations on Your Posts

One of the best ways to get more views on social media is to get more people engaged in conversations. Create posts on topics of great interest. Let people tag their friends or share your posts. This can help trigger conversations. You can also get involved by entering into conversations with the users. It is recommended to build your unique style and tone that creates a persona for your brand in their mind.

When it comes to your posts, it is important to go beyond. It is not of much interest to people when a brand keeps talking about itself. Post information they will find helpful and interesting. Keep the content relevant to your niche, but maintain some variety. Share information from different sources to help build your image as a thought leader. Once you have built this image, it will become easier for you to guide them to your products or services.

It is also recommended to use a cloud-based program to schedule your posts. Plan your content in advance and create a calendar for your posts.

Interact with Industry Influencers

Industry influencers can have tens of thousands or more followers. When you interact with your niche influencers, you are also getting the eyeballs of their followers. Create a positive impression to earn their respect. Such interaction increases the chance that those followers can become your followers too.

On the same note, it is recommended to follow other users on social media sites. It is recommended to start by following those who already follow you. This especially includes thought leaders in your niche. Usually, when you follow others it is highly likely that they will also follow you back.


Another effective strategy to get more eyeballs is to advertise on social media. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow you to promote your brand by creating sponsored content or ads.

  • Boost Posts: This promotional tool allows you to push your published post to more number of people on the platform. You can get more eyeballs, new fans and followers, and more traffic.
  • Advertisements: You can also create ads for promoting your products or brand.

The advantage of advertising on social media platforms is that you have control over the audience that can be targeted. For example, you can control the targeted audience based on factors like location, demographics, and interests/likes. You will also have control over your advertising budget.

Create Your Social Media Community

An innovative way to interact with more people and get more eyeballs is to create a social media community of your users and potential customers. This can be a group where existing customers or clients can answer new users’ queries. Depending on your product or service, your community users may also be able to provide support to each other.

You can act as the support community moderator. Such communities help create a feeling of belonging. They also create space for valuable and high-quality conversations.

So follow all these tips to make the most of social media tools to get more attention. As social media platforms continue to evolve, you can find even more ways to reach out to your target audience.
