Tips to Create Actionable Content Marketing Articles That Move People
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Tips to Create Actionable Content Marketing Articles That Move People

Tips to Create Actionable Content Marketing Articles That Move People

Actionable content, as the name implies, encourage people to take action. Instead of reading the article and surfing away, it moves the readers to do something. But how can words get someone to take their interest to the next level? Consider these top tips to create actionable content marketing articles that help businesses transform visitors into leads.

Be Aware of the Building Blocks

Get to know the building blocks for actionable content before diving into the writing process. Define your target audience and know what they want. Offer value to them by providing useful, valid info to build trust and answer their needs. Get the audience involved in a way that also supports your marketing goals. Be clear, forthright, and avoid lengthy explanations. Readers have a short attention span. They just want you to get to the point.

Explain the Benefits

People want to know what they can get from reading an article and taking action. You want to make a meaningful connection. State what they can get from the post immediately. Let them know what they will learn and how it benefits them. Create a headline that specifies what the article offers to the readers. Select a topic that matters to them and is transparent about what they will get.

Add Visual Appeal

People like to look at photos, videos, and infographics. Visual appeal makes it simple for readers to see what the articles are telling them. Images can encourage lazy readers and bridge information together in a meaningful way. If the item is a tutorial, take screenshots to explain what you’re telling them. Plus, visual elements encourage readers to be interactive. Be creative and add memes or GIFs to your content. Make the experience exciting, and people will remember it.

Make It Real

Examples are another compelling way to resonate with readers. Real-world stories draw the reader into the situation. It also gives you an excellent opportunity to present your case, verify the effectiveness of your message, and drive it home to the reader. A phrase such as “for example” is an easy way to start a brief story that benefits the readers and encourages them to take action. Banish doubt and get readers to shake their heads in agreement by providing on-point examples in your content. They instantly recognize you understand and have a way to help them.

Just the Facts

The literal reader wants facts to substantiate your claims. Quote authoritative sources, showing you did research to back up your statements. Add links to relevant websites, including tables, research, news, and infographics. And facts give your content credibility. Use them to answer any questions the reader has, based on your study of the target market. People will start to trust you as they get answers that matter. Building trust gets people to take action.

Always Have a Call to Action

A call to action is the ultimate tool to turn visitors into leads. It is essential to get someone to act now. Few people return to content they read, even if it piqued their interest. A compelling call to action is brief, offers a benefit, and makes readers want to learn more. Use a call to action button to make responding a one-step process. Some useful words to use in calls to action include bonus, free, instantly, and you.

Outstanding content without a call to action is like making a sandwich with nothing between the slices of bread. If people read the article but don’t connect with your product or service, it’s not doing the job. Crafting actionable content requires writing skills, marketing expertise, and in-depth research. Outsource your content marketing to a seasoned professional to get measurable results.
