4 Great Apps to Find Your Dream Job

4 Great Apps to Find Your Dream Job

4 Great Apps to Find Your Dream Job

If you want to find your dream job in business, healthcare, or retail, there are many apps out there to help you to do so. Best of all, these apps are completely free and are a great way of getting yourself noticed by different companies and have them approach you rather than the other way around! Here are four of the best free apps in aiding you to find your dream job.


This is like the Tinder of the job networking world. You select your interests and qualifications and you can then match with like-minded people who have the same interests and qualifications. If you are just finishing your degree and you are trying to get your name out there, it can be handy to network with other people, especially in the business and design world. It is also handy to keep up with the latest business news, check it out here – View Site.


This is a great way to keep up with new job searches in your area. Wherever you are, you can apply for jobs. You may not be able to apply for every job, but many now offer the choice to apply from your phone. All you need to do is set up an account on your computer or laptop and add your resume. Once this is done, the app can be used for job searches. JobAware is great as companies can also view your profile, look at your resume and approach you with a job opportunity. Having a company approaching you is a great way to get a job, as you already know that they are interested.


You may already have a LinkedIn account, but now you can also get the app. This means everything you need is in your hands to connect with other professionals. This is the Facebook of social networking for professionals and is basically an online resume. Anyone looking to give you a job will more than likely look you up on here, therefore it is always good to have an account set up. If you bag an interview, there is no harm checking on LinkedIn to see their profile and get a little bit of a head start.

Interviews, by Monster

The job search site Monster has made a completely free, amazing app to help people get ready for the job interviews. If you have successfully got an interview, the next thing is to ensure that you do the best you can do and impress. This app gives you a step by step guide in what to do to prepare for an interview, during and after. You can check sample questions and then see how you should answer them, a great app to put your mind at ease and get you interview ready.

Technology can be our best friend in gaining a job in many fields with the ever-increasing use of technology in all fields. There is no harm on making an account on different apps, you never know who may approach you or what you may find.
