Why Your Company Needs a Blog

Why Your Company Needs a Blog

Why Your Company Needs a Blog

If you’ve been hosting websites for a while now, the chances are that you’ve set up thousands of different blogs for your customers. However, have you considered the fact that you might need one yourself?

If you’ve been wondering about the benefits of a blog for your own company, we’ve got the answer here. After all, if huge names in the Industry like Google and Microsoft need a blog, then you should probably have one too!

Do Small Companies Need Blogs?

The simplest answer to this question is yes. All companies need a blog or at least some form of community, as it’s a great way to promote your business no matter how big or small you are. Though you might have a website, the website might not help to draw in customers if it doesn’t have something informative and entertaining to engage people with your brand. Having a blog on your website gives you a quick and easy way to add news and valuable information to your site.

What are the Benefits of Blogs?

If you need a more precise answer of why blogs are so beneficial, consider the following facts:

  • Blogs help to boost SEO: The chances are that you have a great website, but that might not count for much unless you have a blog that will draw Google bots towards your content. The more blogs you post, the more you will rank for relevant keywords.
  • Communication: A typical blog allows the site owner to add new content while visitors can add in their comments about how they feel regarding specific pieces of news or updates. This is essential for some businesses as communicating with your audience helps you to improve your products and services.
  • Communicating with the world: When used in combination with social media, a blog can demonstrate to the entire world that you’re an authoritative and responsible company. When problems occur, you can convince your customers that you’re on top of it, so they feel that they can trust you enough to invest in your products or services.
  • Showing your expertise: A great blog can help you to draw attention to your knowledge within your field. Since customers and other companies want to do business with the most knowledgeable individuals, it only makes sense to prove how much of an expert you are.
  • Spreading good news: Finally, a blog can be a great way to tell your customers about promotions and discounts. You can combine announcements with email and social media to boost your reach too!

How to Become a Blogger

Remember when you’re blogging, you’re reaching out to people who have very small attention spans. In other words, you need to be concise and engaging at the same time. The best solution is often to keep your blogs short and sweet, and easy to scan so that your readers can simply breeze through the information you provide when you have chance.

At the same time, try to remember that the blogs you write are for your customers – not for you. In other words, you should be looking to write on topics and information that is valuable to your customers. If you need to, hold polls and ask for advice on social media about what your customers would prefer to read.

Remember to allow your customers to respond with comments and shares on social media. Keep in mind that even if you get negative comments from time to time, it is very important to give your customers a voice, as this is essential to good customer service. If you get a bad comment, simply thank the customer who left it for their concerns regarding the issue, and reassure them that you will be doing your best to fix the problem. You can also follow up with some blog posts that address the issue.

Is it Working?

The best way to check if your blogging efforts are working is to check on Google analytics. With a little bit of code, you can find out exactly how many visitors you are getting, where they’re coming from, and a host of other valuable information too. Remember that blogging takes time though, so you might not see incredible results straight away. Be patient and vigilant.


Hassan is a Blogger, Author, Entrepreneur and the Administrator of OnzineArticles.com. He heads Burgeoning Technologies, a Web and IT Company and manages several other blogs and websites. He can be followed on , Twitter and Facebook.