Here Are Some Crucial Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Here Are Some Crucial Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Here Are Some Crucial Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

You have been working hard trying to write comprehensive blog posts, optimizing them with relevant and popular keywords and promoting them on social media platforms. You have been mindful of all the expert advice you have been provided, whether it is about the length of your post or the quality of content. But, you are still not getting the comments, likes, shares and traffic that you should in return for your effort. Everyone else is making a living through blogging and yet you are still stuck. Why is that? This is probably because you are making some common mistakes that a lot of people make.

You have been fooled by the hype of some blogging guides out there and ended up making some common blogging mistakes. You need to know what they are in order to avoid them. The top ones are mentioned as follows:

Mistake 1: Blogging on a daily basis

A hype has been created that bloggers who fail to blog every day are not going to have fresh content for keeping people interested. This is definitely wrong because researching, writing, proofreading and editing a blog post on a daily basis is going to burn out bloggers. They will not be able to do it for long. In addition, since they are trying to do too much too quickly, they will be tempted to cut corners such as writing sloppily, not researching enough or not editing their work. Therefore, it is best to blog 2 or 3 times in a week and be consistent.

Mistake 2: Excessive Search Engine Optimization

Lots of bloggers are made to believe that their posts need to have a certain number of keywords, words, links, etc. that search engines can use for picking up on them correctly. There is no denying that keywords are important for linking with other pages and websites, but spamming keywords and stuffing them is going to bring your ranking down. Instead of doing this, your goal should be to write content valuable to the end user and optimize your page without going overboard.

Mistake 3: Making money through blogs is easy

There is a common misconception that setting up a free website and writing few blog posts is all you need for generating an income. In reality, you need to put in lots of hard work for creating quality blog posts and even that’s not enough for generating an income. You first have to build an audience before you can even think about monetizing. Once you have done so, you can use affiliate marketing or advertising to make money or you can also sell products through your blog. Here’s a brilliant blogging guide which will help you learn the best possible ways of making money blogging.

Mistake 4: Not using email lists

Since social media came onto the scene, bloggers only focus on it and have ignored the value of email lists. While social media works well for communicating with a large audience and making an initial connection, email paves way for a more personal and individual connection. Email lists include people who are interested in what you have to say and you should make it easy for people to opt-in.


Hassan is a Blogger, Author, Entrepreneur and the Administrator of He heads Burgeoning Technologies, a Web and IT Company and manages several other blogs and websites. He can be followed on , Twitter and Facebook.