
12 Amazing Copywriting Tips for Bloggers to Attract More Audience

Buckle up for the most amazing copywriting tips you can find on the internet.

You’ll be astounded if I tell you that more than 70 million new blog posts swarm the global web each day!

So, what will make yours stand out?

What is it you can do to make sure that people stick with you till the end?

We have the most comprehensive answer RIGHT HERE!

Follow these actionable tips to see the magic yourself.

Let’s dive right into them!

1. Hook Them with Your Title

The title is the first thing the audience is going to look at.

While you can’t say with much certainty that how many people will thoroughly read your post, it is for the fact that 100% of them will read the heading.

Charm them like a flower does the bee!

Stay with me while I guide you on how you can do this.

Be Super Specific

Your title should express to the reader exactly what they are going to get.

In other words, be insanely specific.

Consider this,

“Beauty Hacks You Should Try”

Now compare it with this,

“5 DIY Beauty Hacks for Healthy and Glowing Skin”

The second one tells the reader exactly what they will find in the article and let’s face it; no one wants to waste their precious time reading something and then finding that it was irrelevant.

Give Them a Number

Adding a number to your heading also makes it highly specific.

People will know beforehand how many solutions they are going to get for their problem and they can decide if it is enough for them.

“Easy Ways to Make Money Online”

“40 Easy Ways to Make Money Online”

See how the number made it much more compelling.

When a person reads 40, he is fascinated by the number of options he’s going to get.

Play with Their Emotions

Words that evoke emotions are powerful and are more likely to draw attention.

Here is a list of a few:

  • Easy/Simple
  • Guaranteed
  •  Discover
  • Everything you need
  • Proven
  • Fast/Instant
  • Best 
  • Secret

These are just a few. You can find a lot more here to grab more attention to your page instantly.

You also need to make sure not to stuff your title with strong words.

Going overboard is never a good option.

Promise a Quick Fix

Everyone wants to get their problems fixed quickly, without having to skim through pages upon pages in search of answers.

Make sure your heading promises to give them a rapid solution.

Headlines like these can do the trick:

How to Get Guaranteed Results with___

How to ___ In ___ Minutes

Simple Things You Can Do to ___

Easy Fixes to ___

Analyze Your Title

The internet is full of smart and free tools to perfect your writings.

Make the most of them.

I would personally recommend you Advanced Marketing Institute Headline Analyzer to determine the emotional marketing value score of your title. 

If you fall between 30-40%, your heading will have a triple impact; Intellectual, empathetic, and Influential.  

2. Use AIDA to Slip Them Past Introduction

So the heading was great, it did the trick, and now the person is on your page!

How do you make them stick?

Adopt AIDA Framework!

A= Attention

I= Interest

D= Desire

A= Action

Implementing the AIDA formula for your blog’s introduction is a great way to fulfil the reader’s requirements and expectations with your post.

Start with getting your reader’s attention.

One technique of doing that is through a catchy title that we have already discussed.

You can also take help from a powerful picture or a video tutorial or guide. 

Alternatively, when you start with the problem that most people can relate to, you immediately empathize with them and lure them into finding a solution ahead. 

Getting the attention you desire is the most challenging part of blogging, and the trick to succeeding in it is trying to know your audience well. 

The next thing is to maintain their interest in your post.

And the finest manner to do this is by providing them with the fixes they are looking for.

Tell them that you apprehend their problem and you have just the right solution for it. 

Next, tap their desires.

Reaffirm to them that with the solutions you are providing, they will ultimately reach their goal.

And while doing so, try to include the most promising benefits of your product or solution. 

Lastly, compel the reader to adopt your ways to get the desired result. 

A strong, clear, and obvious Call to Action is the way to do this. 

3. Be Quick in Giving the Answer

Anyone searching for a query is desperate to get the answer right away!

If one reads through the first 4 or 5 lines of your post and does not find himself led towards the answer to his problem, he is probably just going to storm off!

Hence, it is better to skip hefty introductions. 

Instead, the answer is what should be comprehensive and discussed in all aspects.

If your post consists of a list of plausible solutions that you want to discuss one by one, it would still be better to give the list right after the introduction so that the reader’s need for an answer is satiated there and then. 

Imagine you are searching for a query, “How to Fix Budget After Overspending.”

You come across a very specific title, promising you several solutions. You click and land on the post.

But the reader goes paragraphs upon paragraphs about overspending and its side effects on the budget, before hinting on its solution. 

What do you do?

You leave and find another post with a quick answer! 

4. Don’t Explain, Have a Conversation

Your audience should not feel like they are reading a manual, or worst, a textbook.

It should feel more like a conversation between two friends; comfortable, relaxed, and friendly.

The best way to do that is to use your voice instead of crafting something generic.

Now, why is that important in blogging?

It’s simple; if you can’t connect with the audience, your audience will not either.

So what I am saying indirectly, is to know and understand your audience. What age group do they belong to? Do they have a particular way of talking? What slangs are in?

Knowing answers to these would help you decide the level of informality to adopt.

Nicole Bianchi, a professional copywriter, recommends, 

“If you want to connect with your readers, and get them to trust you, talk to them as you would to a good friend.”

Now, that does sound like something we can easily do, right?

Another thing to derive from the quote above and something that I do in all my posts is, to write for a single person.

You heard it right!

While your blog post is aimed for a larger audience, you should write as if you are telling something to a single person who is quite interested in what you have to offer.

The reader would feel important and personally involved.

That’s not all. 

There is more.

Bucket Brigades! 

It is another excellent way of ensuring a conversational tone. Use a bucket brigade.

Now, what is that with a strange name?

Bucket Brigades are like a series of leading critical statements that keep the reader flowing through and sliding from one sentence to another.

When the writing gets too monotonous, adding a bucket brigade can loosen things up.

Here’s a list of some useful bucket brigades that you can use in your writing. 

5. Adopt a Unique Style and Tone

The above tip will have so much more impact if you can also adopt a unique style and tone.

But wait, are they different?


While a conversational tone reflects your personality and voice, the style has more to do with how you structure your sentences, what vocabulary you use, the flow of words.

Tone, on the other hand, is the attitude you portray. 

Having the right and unique style and tone can make a huge difference in appealing the audience to your content.

This, too, primarily has to do with the kind of audience you are dealing with.

With the detailed insight of your audience, practice, and adopt a style and tone that makes you stand out and doesn’t feel mimicked or forced. 

Many times, proofreading software like Grammarly can pick out certain words and sentences as unnecessary or too wordy. It’s acceptable sometimes to turn a blind eye to these corrections sometimes and choose your battles wisely. 

6. If You Are Focused, They will Focus

In a whim of creating a perfect piece of writing, with a unique style and tone, and trying to communicate with the audience, it is relatively easy to lose focus and deviate from the purpose.

Never, and I mean NEVER do that.

The moment you lose focus on your writing, the audience is going to feel like this is irrelevant and leave.

‘Staying focused on what you’re writing and using relevant terms could also boost your copy for a top position in SERP.” Says a famous Copywriter. 

Whatever you choose to include in your writing should not be unrelated. It must add value to your content and give the audience something to rely on. 

7. Don’t Bore Them with Fluffy Paragraphs

White space is important!

Don’t suffocate your post with wordy paragraphs. 

The bigger paragraphs the reader sees, the more uninterested he gets. 

Why write something in lengthy, unnecessary, and fluffy paragraphs when it can easily convey a message in one or two lines?

Make sure your content is easier to scan by the reader.

Shorten your sentences whenever you can.

Declutter where it is necessary and provide a lot of white space.

It’s like giving your content room to breathe. 

Short paragraphs, focused sentences, and white space improve readability, and people are rewarded for the time they have spent on your post.

8. Use Pictures to Say More with Less

Anything with more visual content holds attention more than just simple, plain text.

We live in a graphic world and are naturally more inclined towards it. 

A person tends to retain 80% of what they see as opposed to 20% of what they read!

This alone should be enough a reason to decorate your content with relevant, informative, and visually pleasing pictures and graphics. 

The picture is usually the second thing a reader focuses on after the heading, and it needs to be relevant to the content rather than added just for the sake of attention. 

Break the monotony of your content.

Make charts, lists, and tables wherever you can. 

People are fond of reading from a graphic then from a paragraph.

Unleash your creativity in the infographics. It sure works as a spellbinder.

9. Keep Them Glued with Powerful Words

Let’s get one thing straight.

Powerful words are not long, complicated, and advanced words.

Powerful words are those that arouse emotions in a person. 

If you can tap on the emotions of the audience and ignite their desires, you have the game in your hand. 

And I don’t want to give the impression that it’s like a walk in the park.


It isn’t straightforward and easy like that, but it can be done. 

It should be, for you to have tremendous turnover. 

Think of words that can trigger a response, words that can make the reader feel something.

And scatter those words throughout your post.

It will not only increase the stay time on your page but will also entice the readers to come back for more. 

We are giving you the best list of powerful words here. 

10. Give a Strong CTA in the End

Compelling Call-To-action is vital because you don’t want to leave your readers hanging with what to do next.

A reader who is convinced of your product or service should be given a choice of opting it right there. 

He should not have to go hunting for the service from scratch. What’s the whole point of your post then?

And the reader would feel like you did not value the time he just dedicated to your post.

Including a CTA will do half the work for the reader if he has made up his mind in favour. 

One great way to create an effective and strong CTA is to create a sense of urgency and offer some bonus.

Also, if the CTA requires a series of actions to be performed, explain them beforehand. 

11. Always Proofread

Never post your first draft!

Always proofread.

Proofreading gives you a chance to read what you have written from your audience’s perspective. 

While proofreading, read out aloud.

Choose a calm place and do a mindful reading.

You can evaluate yourself on a lot of things. 

Does the writing appeal to you?

Can you improve a few sentences?

Can you simplify something?

Are you too informal?

Are you repeating yourself often?

All of this can be answered and improved through proofreading.

So my advice?

Never take it lightly. 

12. Use Smart Tools to Perfect Your Post

No matter how much of an experienced writer you are, mistakes do happen.

And some mistakes slip right past our eyes even while we are proofreading.

It is where smart tools can come at your disposal and save you at the last minute.

Like other areas of digital marketing, many free tools are now available to perfect your copywriting too.

I use a few as well. 

Many times the word document flags a word or even a sentence when it is correct.

Other times, a horrible spelling mistake goes completely unnoticed. 

That’s where Grammarly can help you a great deal. 

Not only does it improve your grammar, but it gives you great feedback to improve your writing.

It highlights the issues and poses a solution right there. 

The incredible thing about it is the MS plugin it comes with, which makes your life so much easier.

Another great tool that I live by is the Free Hemingway Editor.

It is much more than a basic grammar check, giving you a detailed result on how to improve your sentence structure along with giving you a readability grade.

The best thing? It’s free!


Getting the hang of good copywriting takes time and practice.

But you can get there if you follow all, or most of these tips regularly in your writing. 

Remember, your aim as a blogger is to increase the time a reader spends on your post. 

Make sure your title is powerful enough to bring people right on your page, where they find themselves bewitched with a valuable, focused, and concise piece of writing. 

Give your audience exactly what they want, talk to them in the way they like. 

Get help from online tools to enhance your writing and adorn it with eye-catching pictures and infographics.

With these valuable tips, you will find yourself drawing a lot more readers in no time. 

Good luck and happy copywriting! If you need help in getting more audience as a blogger, feel free to contact this digital marketing agency in Singapore.


Hassan is a Blogger, Author, Entrepreneur and the Administrator of He heads Burgeoning Technologies, a Web and IT Company and manages several other blogs and websites. He can be followed on , Twitter and Facebook.