Drowning In The Sea Of Sameness In Marketing Will Slay Finance Branding
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Drowning In The Sea Of Sameness In Marketing Will Slay Finance Branding

Drowning In The Sea Of Sameness In Marketing Will Slay Finance Branding

When it comes to marketing a brand, content marketing seems to be the most essential element. Whether it is for the financial brands or any other it is only a better content that will promote the brand and help it reach out to a larger audience. However, taking a deeper look into this aspect, you will see that there seems to be a perpetual problem faced by the financial marketers over the years. It is the ‘sameness’ issue of the content.

Typically and as per the experts in digital marketing, sameness in the sea of contents of similar types is something that can exterminate finance branding leaving no scope for a revival. If the content of your brand is stuck into the similar look and feel of the plethora of such contents you will need to think of other alternatives that will prevent your specific brand from taking hold.

Over the past couple of years it is noticed in the finance industry that companies are continuously on the lookout for ways that will set them apart from their competitors in the market. A few of these ways include:

  • Investing in an in-house content studio

  • Designing bigger and better influencer campaigns and

  • Organizing live events for a better outreach.

In this modern business and economic scenario where everything is fast and ever changing, simply designing the best digital ads alone will not generate a considerably big thrust in the business growth. Whether it is a startup founder or an established banking and finance institution, making constant changes in the marketing products and strategies are the keys to success in the business.

Rise above the sea of sameness

In this context, designing a better content or branded story is supposed to be the most effective solution that will help a particular brand to rise above the sea of sameness in contents and swim ashore to success.

This is because people today are not interested in reading the same stories over and over again across different websites with just a few changes made in the sentence construction and making random changes in the sequence of the paragraphs. Whether they are looking for information on the best financial products or for hiring a company with the best debt settlement ratings for a specific service, they want new, better and more intuitive content.

There are several different and effective ways to create a better impact such as:

However, these may not be as good and effective in finance marketing and branding as it may be in other forms of businesses. Finance market includes banks, hedge funds, online lenders and a lot of other alternative sources all of which are highly tech savvy.

This needs better contents to cater to the needs of the tech savvy consumers because without that they will not be able to influence the online traffic. This is because these users are more interested in articles of high quality that they will be keen to share with others around irrespective of the fact that the article speaks about a specific financial product, a brand or providing info that may address any of their existing problem.

Keep old and attract new customers

In finance, better content marketing is essential because it helps the brands to retain their old customers and attract new ones. This is because both gets exactly what they want from the specific website of the specific finance brands.

The finance market is cluttered and therefore it is difficult if not impossible for a brand to differentiate its voice from the others in the market while presenting their consumers with the same topic that is in a similar style and format. However, there are ways in which a similar topic can be made to look entirely different and attractive. A few examples will make things clear to you.

For example in the “news and stories” section of your website if you want to inform the customers about the importance and ways of saving money you may follow any one of these:

  • 5 essential rules of money saving

  • Proven better money habits

  • 6 steps to keep your finance fit and healthy or

  • 10 ways to relish wedding season without making a hole in your wallet.

Similar topic as all of these may, just the presentation of it will make it look different form the others and more authentic and provide a new and better feeling. If you do not focus on this aspect then even if you have the best branded articles, it will look less authentic.

Remember, you are living in a marketplace which is chaotic, noisy and where everyone is screaming on top of their voice to promote their brand. In such a given condition if you do not want to get lost in the mess of noise eventually you must provide the customers something coherent that you are heard, found and read.

This is best lead generation strategy that is followed by almost all brands. Therefore, you must focus publishing and churning out informational content for your clients and the prospective customers. According to the research report of Peppercomm, New York-based marketing consultancy it is found that in the financial sector:

  • Nearly 86% of all B2C brands use new content marketing strategy on a regular basis and

  • There has been a significant growth in business of the finance brands in the last three years that followed such marketing strategy that took off recently.

It is said that banks, financial institutions and startups now need to build content that will help them to build a better and stronger human connection with their customers. This strategy will help them to ward off the cynicism that many of these customers typically have with most of the financial companies.

To sum up, the power of content in marketing cannot be ignored by the finance brands. It will help them to create a better impact and educate their target audience about what the brand stands for and why they should do business with it.
